阅读系列 | 法国南部惊现罕见恐龙骨架:业余古生物学家遛狗时意外发现

在法国南部的森林中,一场意外的邂逅让人类再次见证了恐龙时代的壮丽。业余古生物学家Damien Boschetto在遛狗时,意外发现了一具几乎完整的恐龙骨架,从后头骨到尾巴,都保持着原始的连接状态。这具近10米长的泰坦龙骨骼,不仅是科学研究的宝贵财富,更让人们得以窥见史前生态的奥秘。


A chance discovery made in southern France has revealed a rare specimen — an almost complete dinosaur skeleton found connected from its hind skull to its tail.

在法国南部的蒙图利耶,一次偶然的邂逅,让25岁的业余古生物学家Damien Boschetto在森林中遛狗时,意外发现了一具几乎完整的恐龙骨架,从后头骨到尾巴,每一部分都紧密相连,宛如时光凝固的奇迹。

The massive fossil came to light in May 2022, after now 25-year-old amateur paleontologist Damien Boschetto and his dog stumbled across something unusual while walking in a forest in Montouliers, France. Boschetto had noticed a cliff edge that had recently collapsed and decided to take a closer look, when he spotted an exposed bone sticking out of the ground, local media outlet France Bleu first reported on February 13.

那是2022年5月的一天,Boschetto在漫步时,注意到一处悬崖边近期发生的坍塌,好奇心驱使他走近查看。就是在这不经意的探寻中,他瞥见了一根裸露在地表的骨头,由此揭开了这一珍稀化石的序幕。法国媒体France Bleu于2月13日首次报道了此事。

The Archaeological and Paleontological Cultural Association at the Cruzy Museum, in collaboration with the French National Center for Scientific Research, identified the nearly 10-meter-long (32.8-foot-long) fossil as a Titanosaur skeleton upon excavation. Boschetto, who has been a member of the association for eight years, told CNN that while unearthing dinosaur remains is “always exciting and interesting for scientific research and the understanding of the ecosystems of that time,” finding the bones in their almost original anatomical position is what makes this find extraordinary.


“From a museography point of view, it will make it possible to present to the general public animals almost complete in anatomical positions, which is something great,” Boschetto added via email.


A group of history and archaeology enthusiasts created the Archaeological and Paleontological Cultural Association in 1975 to safeguard the heritage around the village of Cruzy, with several members becoming enlightened amateurs in paleontology due to the areas’ wealth of dinosaur fossils, said Jean-Marc Veyssières, a member of the group and one of the fossil preparers for this discovery. Today, the association is made up of inhabitants of the region, including a few scientists as well as students.

考古和古生物文化协会由一群历史和考古爱好者于1975年创立,旨在保护克鲁齐村周边的文化遗产。协会成员Jean-Marc Veyssières是此次恐龙化石发掘的参与者之一,他提到,由于该地区恐龙化石资源丰富,协会的一些成员逐渐成为了古生物学的热衷者。如今,协会成员包括当地居民、科学家和学生。

“The most exciting thing was to realize that we had at least one anatomically connected animal and that it was a titanosaur, a long-necked dinosaur,” said Veyssières in an email. “(Boschetto) is an enlightened enthusiast and curious about nature, he spends a lot of time surveying the region in search of new areas. … He became an expert on the Late Cretaceous fauna of our region.”


The association has been excavating the site, which Boschetto referred to as a bone bed, a term used by paleontologists to describe a dense area of animal bones and other fossilized remains, for the past two years. And the newly announced find was not Boschetto’s first.


The recently revealed 70% complete Titanosaur skeleton was retrieved during the excavation along with several fossils of various dinosaurs and other vertebrates, including some in anatomical connection and near complete. Other remains identified included those of a Rhabdodon — a herbivore, or plant-eater, like the Titanosaur — and fragments from skeletons of carnivores such as Theropods and crocodiles, according to Boschetto.


The Titanosaur skeleton currently resides in the Cruzy Museum’s laboratory, where it will be further studied, Veyssières said.


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