地道表达|country, state和nation傻傻分不清?


country即拥有自己的政府和法律的国家,是一个政治体(political entity),有明确的地理范围和管辖区(jurisdiction)。值得注意的是country形容主权国家时,意思是国家而在用于形容争议地段或者无主权地区时,则处理为地区


  • [ C ] an area of land that has or used to have its own government and laws 国国家

  • [ U ] ( often following an adjective 常置于形容词后 ) an area of land, especially with particular physical features, suitable for a particular purpose or connected with a particular person or people (尤指具有某种自然特征、适于某目的或与某种人有关的)地区,区域

  • the country [ sing. ] the people of a country ; the nation as a whole 全国人民;国民;全民

  • the country [ sing. ] any area outside towns and cities, with fields, woods, farms, etc. 乡下;乡村

State指国家时,侧重政体、政府,重点在“国”字上。此外也可指组成国家的州和邦。例如,美国是一个由州组成的国家,因此其全称为“United States”。相较于country,state一词具有浓郁的政治色彩。例如,statesman 表示“政治家”,所以 state 这个描述是强调它的政治实体。


  • ( also State ) [ C ] a country considered as an organized political community controlled by one government 国家

  • ( also State ) (abbr. St. ) [ C ] an organized political community forming part of a country 州;

nation来源于拉丁文中的natio,有“出生、起源、种类、种族”等含义,更强调共同的语言、历史、文化或宗教等背景,即“国家/民族”。其实更多接近我们中文中的“民族”,而非国家。其侧重点在于组成国家的那群“人”或“国民”,例如我们常说的中华民族即Chinese nation。


  • [ C ] a country considered as a group of people with the same language, culture and history, who live in a particular area under one government 国家;民族

  • [ sing. ] all the people in a country 国民

